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Getting into the top 1%

* By definition, being average is more competitive.
* The average is safe. Uncertainty is controlled. Risk is eliminated. While comfortable, nothing meaningful grows in this environment.
* “Bigger Goals = Less Competition” — Tim Ferriss.
* When you have a big and ambitious goal, think about how you can:
	*  Break it down into a _2-min_ habit.
	-   Make it as _easy_ as possible to execute.
- **A habit needs to be established before it can be improved.**
- **Reducing friction makes a good habit the default.**
-  The 1% intentionally design their lifestyle.

The 99% let their lifestyle design them.

	**You first control friction, and then friction controls your habits.**
The 1% hang around high-value people and those who challenge them to keep growing.
* Rather than get jealous of someone’s success, question it.
* **Don’t steal. Don’t copy. But mimic.**
**Treat your life like a series of experiments.**

	-   Ideate on new ideas.
	-   Rapidly build prototypes.
	-   Constantly test whether they work.
	-   Iterate on what went well. Stop what didn’t go well.
- The 1% are running multiple experiments and tests. They never stop moving.

The 99% don’t like uncertainty, so they never do anything new. Therefore, they never grow.
* As Naval Ravikant says,

“You want 10,000 iterations, not 10,000 hours.”

To be exceptional:

-   Start small
-   Be careful who’s around you.
-   Question everything. Even your own deeply held beliefs.
-   Build a portfolio of experiments.
-   Learn to bounce back quickly.

Nothing fancy.

All meaningful.